In this article, I have shared all the 5 letter words with T as the fourth letter. All the five letter words presented in this list have T as the 4th letter.
Five letter words starting with T as the 4th letter
- Letter Count: 5
- Must have “T” as the fourth letter
All 5 letter words with T as the fourth letter
- aarti
- abate
- abets
- abuts
- aceta
- acute
- adits
- adyta
- agate
- agita
- aguti
- airth
- airts
- akita
- alate
- amate
- amity
- anata
- aorta
- arete
- arets
- arett
- aunts
- aunty
- awato
- aweto
- axite
- azote
- azoth
- bafts
- bahts
- baith
- baits
- balti
- bants
- banty
- basta
- baste
- basti
- basto
- basts
- batta
- batts
- battu
- batty
- bawty
- bayts
- beath
- beats
- beaty
- beets
- belts
- bento
- bents
- benty
- berth
- besti
- bests
- betta
- betty
- bhats
- bhuts
- bints
- biota
- birth
- bitte
- bitts
- bitty
- blate
- blats
- blatt
- blets
- blite
- blits
- blitz
- blots
- boats
- boets
- boite
- bolts
- booth
- boots
- booty
- borts
- borty
- bortz
- botte
- botts
- botty
- bouts
- boxty
- brats
- brith
- brits
- britt
- broth
- brute
- bruts
- buats
- bunts
- bunty
- busti
- busts
- busty
- butte
- butts
- butty
- cacti
- canto
- cants
- canty
- carta
- carte
- carts
- caste
- casts
- catty
- celts
- cento
- cents
- centu
- certs
- certy
- cesta
- cesti
- chats
- cheth
- chits
- chota
- chott
- chute
- chuts
- cists
- clats
- clits
- clote
- cloth
- clots
- coate
- coati
- coats
- coits
- colts
- comte
- conte
- conto
- coots
- costa
- coste
- costs
- cotta
- cotts
- couta
- couth
- crate
- crith
- crits
- crwth
- cuits
- culti
- cults
- culty
- cunts
- cutto
- cutty
- cysts
- dalts
- dants
- darts
- datto
- dauts
- dawts
- death
- debts
- deets
- deity
- delta
- delts
- dents
- depth
- derth
- dhoti
- dhuti
- dicta
- dicts
- dicty
- diets
- dints
- diota
- dirts
- dirty
- ditto
- ditts
- ditty
- doats
- doeth
- doits
- dolts
- dorts
- dorty
- dotty
- douts
- dowts
- drats
- ducts
- duets
- duett
- duits
- dunts
- dusts
- dusty
- earth
- easts
- edits
- elate
- elite
- elute
- emits
- emote
- empts
- empty
- enate
- etats
- evets
- evite
- exits
- eyots
- facta
- facts
- faith
- farts
- fasti
- fasts
- fatty
- fauts
- feats
- felts
- felty
- fents
- festa
- fests
- festy
- fetta
- fetts
- fiats
- fifth
- fifty
- filth
- firth
- fists
- fisty
- fitte
- fitts
- flats
- flite
- flits
- flitt
- flota
- flote
- flute
- fluty
- flyte
- fonts
- foots
- footy
- forte
- forth
- forts
- forty
- fouth
- fowth
- frate
- frati
- frats
- frets
- frith
- frits
- fritt
- fritz
- froth
- furth
- fusts
- fusty
- fytte
- gaita
- gaits
- gaitt
- gants
- garth
- gasts
- geats
- geits
- gelts
- gents
- genty
- geste
- gests
- ghats
- gifts
- gilts
- girth
- girts
- gists
- glits
- glitz
- glute
- gluts
- gnats
- goats
- goaty
- goeth
- goety
- gotta
- gouts
- gouty
- grate
- grith
- grits
- grots
- gusto
- gusts
- gusty
- gutta
- gutty
- haets
- hafts
- haith
- halts
- hants
- harts
- hasta
- haste
- hasty
- haute
- heath
- heats
- hefte
- hefts
- hefty
- hents
- hertz
- hests
- hilts
- hints
- hists
- holts
- hoots
- hooty
- hosta
- hosts
- hotty
- houts
- hunts
- hurts
- ikats
- illth
- irate
- janty
- jarta
- jeats
- jests
- jetty
- jilts
- jolts
- jolty
- jonty
- jotty
- junta
- junto
- justs
- jutty
- kants
- karts
- katti
- keets
- kelts
- kelty
- kente
- kents
- kests
- khats
- kheth
- khets
- kilts
- kilty
- kists
- kitty
- klett
- klutz
- knits
- knots
- knuts
- kofta
- kurta
- kyats
- laith
- laity
- lants
- lasts
- latte
- leats
- leets
- lefte
- lefts
- lefty
- lenti
- lento
- lepta
- lests
- lifts
- lilts
- lints
- linty
- lists
- loath
- lofts
- lofty
- loots
- lotta
- lotte
- lotto
- louts
- lowts
- lunts
- lusts
- lusty
- lytta
- malts
- malty
- manta
- manto
- manty
- marts
- masts
- masty
- matte
- matts
- mauts
- meath
- meats
- meaty
- meets
- meith
- melts
- melty
- menta
- mento
- mesto
- mifty
- milts
- milty
- miltz
- mints
- minty
- mirth
- mists
- misty
- mitts
- mixte
- moats
- moits
- molto
- molts
- monte
- month
- monty
- moots
- morts
- moste
- mosts
- motte
- motto
- motts
- motty
- mouth
- mufti
- murti
- musth
- musts
- musty
- mutts
- nasty
- natty
- neath
- neats
- nerts
- nertz
- nests
- netts
- netty
- newts
- nexts
- ngati
- nifty
- ninth
- nitty
- north
- nowts
- nowty
- nutty
- oasts
- obits
- oints
- omits
- oonts
- orate
- ousts
- outta
- ovate
- pacta
- pacts
- panto
- pants
- panty
- parti
- parts
- party
- pasta
- paste
- pasts
- pasty
- patte
- patty
- peats
- peaty
- pelta
- pelts
- pents
- perts
- pesto
- pests
- pesty
- petti
- petto
- petty
- photo
- phots
- phuts
- pieta
- piets
- piety
- pinta
- pinto
- pints
- piste
- pitta
- plate
- plats
- platt
- platy
- plots
- plotz
- pluto
- poets
- polts
- ponts
- ponty
- poots
- porta
- ports
- porty
- posts
- potto
- potts
- potty
- pouts
- pouty
- prate
- prats
- pratt
- praty
- proto
- pruta
- punto
- punts
- punty
- purty
- putti
- putto
- putts
- putty
- pyats
- pyets
- pyots
- quate
- quats
- quite
- quits
- quota
- quote
- quoth
- quyte
- rafts
- raita
- raits
- rants
- rasta
- ratty
- reata
- reate
- recta
- recti
- recto
- rente
- rents
- resto
- rests
- resty
- rewth
- rhyta
- riata
- rifte
- rifts
- rifty
- riots
- ritts
- roate
- ronte
- ronts
- roots
- rooty
- rorts
- rorty
- rosti
- rosts
- rotte
- route
- routh
- routs
- rowth
- rowts
- runts
- runty
- rusts
- rusty
- rutty
- ryots
- saith
- sakti
- salto
- salts
- salty
- santo
- sants
- saute
- sauts
- scath
- scats
- scatt
- scots
- scuta
- scute
- scuts
- seats
- sects
- seity
- sekts
- sente
- senti
- sents
- septa
- septs
- setts
- sexto
- sexts
- shets
- shite
- shits
- shote
- shots
- shott
- shute
- shuts
- sieth
- sifts
- silts
- silty
- sista
- sists
- sixte
- sixth
- sixty
- skate
- skats
- skatt
- skets
- skite
- skits
- skyte
- slate
- slats
- slaty
- slits
- sloth
- slots
- sluts
- smite
- smith
- smits
- smote
- smuts
- snath
- snits
- snots
- softa
- softs
- softy
- soote
- sooth
- soots
- sooty
- sorta
- sorts
- south
- souts
- sowth
- spate
- spats
- spets
- spite
- spits
- spitz
- spots
- sputa
- state
- stats
- stets
- stots
- stott
- styte
- suete
- suets
- suety
- suite
- suits
- sutta
- swath
- swats
- swith
- swits
- swots
- synth
- taata
- tacts
- taits
- tanti
- tanto
- tanty
- tarts
- tarty
- taste
- tasty
- tatts
- tatty
- tauts
- tawts
- teats
- tecta
- teeth
- tenth
- tents
- tenty
- terts
- testa
- teste
- tests
- testy
- texts
- theta
- thete
- tifts
- tilth
- tilts
- tints
- tinty
- titty
- tofts
- toits
- tolts
- tooth
- toots
- torta
- torte
- torts
- totty
- touts
- towts
- trats
- tratt
- trets
- trite
- troth
- trots
- truth
- tuath
- tufts
- tufty
- tuktu
- tutti
- tutty
- twats
- twite
- twits
- typto
- umpty
- uneth
- unite
- units
- unity
- urate
- urite
- vants
- vasts
- vasty
- vaute
- vauts
- vawte
- vents
- verts
- vertu
- vesta
- vests
- vints
- virtu
- vista
- visto
- vitta
- volta
- volte
- volti
- volts
- vutty
- wadts
- wafts
- waite
- waits
- walty
- waltz
- wants
- wanty
- warts
- warty
- waste
- wasts
- watts
- weete
- weets
- wefte
- wefts
- welts
- wents
- wests
- whata
- whats
- whets
- white
- whits
- whity
- width
- wifty
- wilts
- wists
- witty
- wonts
- wootz
- worth
- worts
- wrate
- wrath
- write
- writs
- wrote
- wroth
- xysti
- xysts
- yarta
- yarto
- yelts
- yenta
- yente
- yests
- yesty
- yetts
- yirth
- youth
- yufts
- yurta
- yurts
- zante
- zests
- zesty
- zlote
- zloty
- zooty
This concludes the list of all five-letter words with T as the fourth letter. The list comprises all the five-letter words with T in the 4th position. All these words have a letter count of “5”—not a single word in the list is over five letters. And all these words have T as 4th letter.
I hope this post helps you identify the word you are looking for. If you have any questions, please ask me in the comments below.
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